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University of Melbourne CCGC Seminars: Friday 5 April, Amanda Apthorpe

On Friday the 5 April, starting at 4:30pm in Room 106 of the John Medley Building, the Culture and Communication Graduate Committee at the University of Melbourne will host this week’s Friday Seminar Series presentation.  Amanda Apthorpe will be presenting her PhD completion seminar: The Kos Letters: Mythic Structure in Contemporary Australian Women’s Fiction. Some drinks and nibbles will be provided by the CCGC. Staff and graduate students are welcome. The details of the talks are as follows:

Date: Friday 15 March, 4pm

Location: Room 106, John Medley Building, West Tower, University of Melbourne, Parkville

Abstract: This thesis examines the ways in which selected contemporary Australian women writers depict the lives of their central female characters in novels that span the first and second waves of feminist politics. I will demonstrate that, despite the social milieux in which these characters are placed, and the methods employed by their writers, stages of mythic structure in the matriarchal myth of Demeter and Persephone are evident in each novel. The novels that will be under examination are: Gilgamesh (2001) by Joan London, Leaning Towards Infinity (1996) by Sue Woolfe, and my own novel, The Kos Letters (2012), which forms the creative component of this thesis.

Biography: Amanda Apthorpe has undertaken her tertiary studies at the University of Melbourne to hold graduate degrees in Education and postgraduate degrees in Science and Creative Writing. Her novel, Whispers in the Wiring, which was completed for her MA through the School of Culture and Communication, won a national award and was published in 2011. Amanda has completed a second novel, The Kos Letters, which forms the Creative Component of her PhD. Her interest in Australian literature is explored in the Critical Component of her thesis: Mythic Structure in Contemporary Australian Women’s Fiction

Next Week: Akina Mikami

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