CFP: Queer Contexts in Australian and NZ Media Cultures

Special Issue of Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture

Edited by Catherine Hoad and Rachael Gunn (Macquarie University, Sydney)


Scholarship on LGBT+ experiences, narratives, and representations has grown in recent years, but regional studies on queer media cultures, particularly in Australian and New Zealand contexts, remains under-researched or fragmented across myriad fields. This special issue seeks to consolidate research on Australian and New Zealand queer contexts, where the regional nuances of colonialism, indigeneity and globalisation have held specific implications for LGBT+ communities. It aims to incorporate papers that interrogate the nuances and manifestations of regional sexual and gender politics, and the concurrent dynamics between media and popular culture and queer contexts in Australia and New Zealand. Through drawing attention to the importance of place, ethnicity and regionality in discussions of LGBT+ media and popular culture, this special issue of Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture will offer a cohesive volume that gives insights into innovative and timely LGBT+ research within the region.

We invite papers that pay critical attention to LGBT+ experiences, narratives and representations in the Australia-New Zealand nexus. This may include explorations of how the intersecting trajectories of marginality and (in)visibility shape queer experiences of, and representations within, media and popular culture in Australian and New Zealand contexts, or examinations of the localised complexities and contestations of queer representations in popular cultures. We invite submissions in the areas of queer geographies, regional media studies, and popular culture, and also the often overlooked complexities and inter-regionalities of queer studies within Australian and New Zealand paradigms. We invite proposals which explore, but are not restricted to, the following areas:

  • Queer representations within Australian and New Zealand popular music, fiction, film and television
  • Australian and New Zealand queer identities, colonialism, inter-regionality and globalisation
  • Censorship and marginality of queer politics in regional cultural industries
  • Queer creative contexts and cultures of resistance
  • Queer histories – political, social, cultural
  • Indigenous experiences, representations and narratives of queer identity
  • Queer experiences within religious communities
  • Diasporic queer experiences, practices and cultures
  • Queer materialities, technologies and autoethnographies

Proposals which fall outside these areas but are still connected to Australian and New Zealand queer cultures will also be considered. Please note that select proposals may be nominated for publication in future issues of Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture.

Proposals (400 words), alongside affiliation and contact details, are to be emailed to by Monday September 4th, 2017. If successful, full draft articles of 6,000 words (including notes, references, and figures) will be due in July of 2018.

We are also seeking reviews of related academic and popular media texts within the realm of Australian and New Zealand queer contexts. These may be texts that form the canon of queer representation and discourse in Australia and New Zealand, or emergent work in this area. Please email if you are interested in contributing a short review of this nature.

For further information on the journal, including archived issues and style guides, please visit,id=245/

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries or concerns – we look forward to hearing from you.

Dr Catherine Hoad

Sessional academic in Media and Cultural Studies
Dept. of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies
Macquarie University, North Ryde NSW 2109

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