Contribute to CSAA blog

Beginning in 2019, the CSAA blog aims to provide an opportunity for researchers to promote their research to a wide audience.

Researchers of all levels are  invited to submit posts of no longer than 750 words (approx.. 2.5 A4 pages) on their work. These posts could take the form of:

  • An overview of your most recent research project.
  • A post about one of your recent research findings.
  • An op ed-style piece on a current affairs topic (federal politics, climate change, etc) that engages with one of your research interests.

To submit a post, or to discuss ideas for a post, please email me at

Please submit your post as a Word document. Posts should be accompanied by a short (no longer than 250 words) bio, as well as a photo of yourself (the latter is optional).

Andrew Hutcheon

Social Media and Website Officer

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