Asia Research Centre (Murdoch University)
The Asia Research Centre on Social, Political and Economic Change was established as a Special Research Centre of the Australian Research Council to provide an analysis of contemporary East and Southeast Asia. The Centre’s work is intended to enhance Australia’s understanding of its Asian environment, and its capacity to deal effectively with the region.
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
AHURI is dedicated to drawing together researchers, policy-makers, industry and the community in order to achieve better housing market outcomes, to achieve efficient and effective housing assistance programs, and to build viable communities.
Australian Institute of A&TSI Studies
Australia’s premier institution for information about the cultures and lifestyles of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Centre for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies
CAPSTRANS is a joint initiative of the Universities of Newcastle and Wollongong. Its aim is to increase our understanding of the complex processes of social and cultural change which are shaping the region in which we live. It examines how globalisation and regional integration are affecting local communities and national societies. CAPSTRANS analyses how developments in the region are affecting Australia’s economy, society and external relations.
Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights (Deakin University)
CCHR is a forum providing research, education and consultancy for policy makers, academics and advocacy groups. Members of the Centre are engaged in research principally within the areas of civil society, citizenship and community.
Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Monash University)
The Centre has an international reputation for its postgraduate research training and graduate education. The programs at the centre deal with three main areas of work: comparative literature; cultural studies; and critical theory.
Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies (University of Queensland)
The CCCS aims to foster research culture in the arts and humanities through a range of activities. The Centre plays host to a range of research fellows, both from within the Faculty of Arts and from other Australian and international research institutions. Other activities include conferences, seminars, public lectures and facilitating interdisciplinary research concentrations.
Centre for Cross Cultural Research (Australian National University)
The CCR is an ARC Special Research Centre focussing on scholarly and public understandings of cross-cultural relations and histories, particularly but not exclusively in Australia and in the immediate region.
Centre for Cultural Research (University of Western Sydney)
The CCR is a key research centre at UWS for the production and communication of new knowledge addressing the cultural contradictions and challenges of contemporary society.
Centre for Research on Social Inclusion (Macquarie University)
The CRSI comprises a multidisciplinary team of researchers with expertise in the field of social inclusion and exclusion. Broadly defined, this includes research into the social, cultural, economic, and political determinations of inclusion and exclusion (particularly in the context of globalisation) and the understanding of social division (around race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, disability, and age). Centre researchers are drawn from sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, anthropology, Aboriginal, media and gender studies.
Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora (Australian National University)
CSCSD focusses on research and teaching on people of Chinese descent in Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific and their interaction with other societies and cultures in the region.
Globalism Research Centre
Formerly the Globalism Institute, the centre was founded in 2002, and undertakes engaged research into globalisation, transnationalism, nationalism and cultural diversity. It seeks to understand and critically evaluate current directions of global change, with an emphasis on the cultural implications of political and economic transformation.
Humanities Research Centre (Australian National University)
The HRC aims to stimulate and advance research in the humanities throughout Australia. It nominates a research theme for each year and hosts a programme of visiting fellowships, conferences, colloquia, summer schools and publications.
Institute of Advanced Studies (University of Western Australia)
The IAS initiates programs and activities that encourage cross-disciplinary and cross-departmental research, encourage distinguished scholars to visit the University, stimulate public debate on contemporary issues, and develop international collaboration.
Institute of Postcolonial Studies
Established in 1996, the Institute of Postcolonial Studies is the first educational institution in the world to be specifically directed to the study of postcolonialism. The Institute’s approach is broad and inclusive, embracing contesting approaches to the politics of difference and global processes. The Institute’s primary aim is to rethink the nature of the colonial relationship and its cultural and economic legacies today. The Institute is especially concerned with issues of race, gender and sexuality, development and human rights.
The Hawke Institute (University of South Australia)
The Hawke Institute fosters, supports and promotes research on all themes which emerge from former Prime Minister Bob Hawke’s work. The Institute’s central themes are: the social, cultural and economic aspects of globalisation and its sustainability; issues of participation, equity and citizenship in working life, in education and in society; questions of identity, of cultural production and representation, and of our place in the international community and specifically in Asia.
Transforming Cultures (UTS)
The Trans/forming Cultures research centre (University of Technology, Sydney) explores the ways ‘narratives of the local’ are undergoing transformation — both in content and in forms of telling — in our globalising world.